26 februari 2016 – “Places undergoing great upheaval have often proved fertile ground for exciting new art.” This is definitely true for Athens.
The upcoming Documenta, the world’s most famous art exhibition along with the Venice Biennale, split the event’s 14th edition between Germany’s Kassel and the Greek capital, under the title, “Learning from Athens” (www.documenta14.de/en/). Events in Athens will run from April 8 to July 16. The reasoning behind the decision was, according to Documenta CEO Annette Kulenkampff, “the clear parallels, which can be drawn between the birth of the event in 1955 in a German town and today’s Athens: two towns struggling to heal from past or current injuries. What makes Athens stand out is that its residents are not only dealing with practical, daily problems, but existential issues as well.”
Read the complete article at: ekathimerini.com