6 april 2019: Concert Mare Nostrum-Mediterranean Sounds

Plaats: Podium Mozaïek, Bos en Lommerweg 191, 1055 DT, Amsterdam Datum: zaterdag 6 april 2019 Tijd: 21:00 uur Dit concert is onderdeel van MARE NOSTRUM, een nieuw project van stichting Marmoucha, waarbij muzikale kruisbestuiving rond het middellandse zeegebied wordt geïnitieerd. Het concert is een productie van Stichting Marmoucha in samenwerking met…

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P. Kingsley: Greece sidelines officials who blocked expulsion of refugees to Turkey

17 juni 2016 – The Greek government has sidelined members of an independent authority that had blocked the deportation of Syrian refugees, following sustained pressure from other European countries. Greek MPs voted on Thursday to change the composition of the country’s asylum appeals board, in an attempt to sideline officials who…

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P. De Grauwe: The ECB Grants Debt Relief To All Eurozone Nations Except Greece

19 maart 2016 – It looks like Greece may get some debt relief. There is as yet no certainty about this because some German politicians continue to conduct rear-guard battles to prevent it. What is certain, however, is that all Eurozone countries, with the exception of Greece, have been enjoying debt relief since…

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H. Smith: Angry Greeks foresee Grexit and drachma’s revival

– In his tiny shop in downtown Athens, Kostis Nakos sits behind a wooden counter hunched over his German calculator. The 71-year-old might have retired had he been able to make ends meets but that is now simply impossible. “All day I’ve been sitting here doing the maths,” he sighs,…

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L. Dearden: The Lesbos refugee detention center

15 april 2016 – The Independent journalist Lizzie Dearden reports on the appaling conditions in which 2,900 refugees have to live in Moria, Lesbos. The refugee camp at Moria was turned into a detention centre as part of the EU-Turkey deal and from that moment the situation deteriorated substantially. Pope’s visit led to last-minute improvements, but as…

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H. Smith: Greece on brink of chaos as refugees riot

 3 april 2016 – The Greek government is bracing itself for violence ahead of the European Union implementing a landmark deal that, from Monday, will see Syrian refugees and migrants being deported back to Turkey en masse.  Rioting and rebellion by thousands of entrapped refugees across Greece has triggered mounting fears in…

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AP: Greece pauses deportations as asylum claims mount

5 april 2016 – The Associated Press (AP) reports that Greek authorities have temporarily suspended deportations to Turkey. They acknowledged that most migrants and refugees detained on Greek islands have applied for asylum. The European Union began sending back migrants Monday under an agreement with Turkey, but no transfers were planned…

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D. Gayle: EU-Turkey refugee plan could be illegal

2 april 2016 – Guardian journalist Damien Gayle reports on the EU-Turkey deal. Peter Sutherland, the UN secretary general’s special representative for international migration and development, said that deporting migrants and refugees without considering their asylum applications first would break international law. Read the complete article at: theguardian.com Source: Damien Gayle,…

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K. Tagaris: Aid agencies pull out of Greek camps, spurning EU-Turkey deal

23 maart 2016 – As the humanitarian crisis taking place in Greece because of the border closure and the new EU-Turkey deal is escalating, Karolina Tagaris reports on the consequences of the EU-Turkey deal for Greece and the refugees. Hotspots are turned into detention centers where thousands of people (mostly women and children) have to stay…

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M. Frassoni & R. Bütikofer: Declaration on the EU-Turkey Statement

19 maart 2016 – The two co-chairs of the European Green Party, Monica Frassoni and Reinhard Bütikofer, condemn the EU-Turkey deal of March 18, as “it opens the way for a substantial disapplication in the EU of the individual right to asylum of people who are legally entitled to it.” They…

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