13 October 2023: Film screening & ΚΕΓ-Certificate Award Ceremony 2023

Film en Documentary screening
ΚΕΓ-Certificate Award Ceremony 2023
Documentary title: Takis Kanellopoulos, “Macedonian wedding / Μακεδονικός γάμος” (1960). Met Engelse ondertiteling. Beschrijving: A traditional Western Macedonian wedding. The documentary was filmed in the village of Velvendo.
Film title: “Incidentally / Παρεμπιπτόντως”, Konstantinos Economou (2018).
Met Engelse ondertiteling. Beschrijving: End of summer 2018 in Athens. During the preparation of a festive dinner for her name-day, Elpida will answer in a survey. Distracted from the conversation, it will lead to the revelation of a well-hidden secret.
Time: 3.30 p.m.
Place: University of Amsterdam, Dept. of Modern Greek Studies, Spuistraat 134 (PCH building), room 1.04
Language: Greek

The ΚΕΓ-Certificate Award Ceremony 2023 will take place after the film screening and be followed by drinks.


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