P. De Grauwe: The ECB Grants Debt Relief To All Eurozone Nations Except Greece

19 maart 2016 – It looks like Greece may get some debt relief. There is as yet no certainty about this because some German politicians continue to conduct rear-guard battles to prevent it. What is certain, however, is that all Eurozone countries, with the exception of Greece, have been enjoying debt relief since…

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H. Smith: Angry Greeks foresee Grexit and drachma’s revival

– In his tiny shop in downtown Athens, Kostis Nakos sits behind a wooden counter hunched over his German calculator. The 71-year-old might have retired had he been able to make ends meets but that is now simply impossible. “All day I’ve been sitting here doing the maths,” he sighs,…

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N. Buxton: De toekomst van Europa volgens Y. Varoufakis

21 januari 2016 – Dit interview met Yanis Varoufakis door Nick Buxton, van het Transnational Institute,  is een voorpublicatie uit het rapport ‘State of Power. Democracy, sovereignty and resistance’. Het hele artikel in het Engels is hier te lezen: https://www.tni.org/files/publication-downloads/state-of-power-2016.pdf Yanis Varoufakis heeft op 9 februari in Berlijn de nieuwe ‘grensoverschrijdende,…

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J. Ghosh: Heeft Europa een ‘vluchtelingencrisis’?

16 oktober 2015 – Asielzoekers hebben het nergens gemakkelijk, maar rijkere landen hebben hen altijd gemener, repressiever en restrictiever behandeld. Dat is de stelling van econome Jayati Ghosh, columniste bij Frontline.  Jayati Ghosh (1955) is professor economie aan de Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. Ze is gespecialiseerd in globalisering, internationale financiën,…

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A. Avgoustidis: “De vergeten Griekse crisis”

http://www.nieuwgrieksestudies.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/angelos-def.jpg 21 december 2015 – “De vergeten Griekse crisis” op Radio 1: een gesprek van Gilene Plag met historicus Angelos Avgoustidis, deskundige van de Mediacirkel. Terugluisteren: A. Avgoustidis/Radio1/vergetenGrieksecrisis.  

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T. Piketty, Y. Varoufakis, et al: Europe must support the UN proposals for debt restructuring

8 september 2015 – Negentien vooraanstaande economen, waaronder Thomas Piketty, James Galbraith, Yanis Varoufakis en Heiner Flassbeck, schrijven in een open brief dat Europa de voorstellen over nationale schuldherstructurering van de Verenigde Naties zal moeten steunen. De voorstellen worden op 10 september goedgekeurd of afgewezen.

Lees de open brief op de website Y. Varoufakis

Photo: Credit Mercopress.com


J. Ghosh: The failed project of Europe

15 juli 2015 – Jayati Ghosh   is professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, in New Delhi, India. She is specialised in globalization, international finance, employment patterns in developing countries and macroeconomic policy. In this article she delivers a scathing critique of the German role in the negotiations about a debt-deal for Greece.…

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F. Coppola: Dr. Schaeuble’s Master Plan

14 juli 2015 – According to Forbes writer Frances Coppola is “the deal that was finally agreed not sustainable. Everyone knows that. It was widely panned not only by left-sympathising economists, but also by Wall Street. It is questionable whether the Greek government will be able to get the first tranche of contentious requirements through…

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P. Mason: Greece wins euro debt deal – but democracy is the loser

13 juli 2015 – De bekende financieel commentator Paul Mason schrijft op zijn blog dat de Grieken dan wel de euro ‘debtdeal’ hebben gewonnen, maar dat de democratie verloren heeft: ‘Everybody on earth with a smartphone understands what happened to democracy last night’. Mason is auteur van verschillende boeken en ‘visiting professor’ aan de universiteit van Wolverhampton. In…

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C. Salmon: Insider: “We underestimated the power of the creditors”

8 juli 2015 – A senior member of Greece’s negotiating team speaks to Christian Salmon for Mediapart. In this interview a senior advisor to the Greek government, who has been at the heart of the past five months of negotiations between Athens and its international creditors, reveals the details of what…

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“Greece can’t pay and should not pay” says the Truth Committee on Public Debt

The Truth Committee on Public Debt (Debt Truth Committee) was established on April 4, 2015, by a decision of the President of the Hellenic Parliament, Ms Zoe Konstantopoulou, who confided the Scientific Coordination of its work to Dr. Eric Toussaint and the cooperation of the Committee with the European Parliament…

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N. Vrousalis: SYRIZA crash-lands against the euro

4 juli 2015 – Nicholas Vrousalis is assistant professor in Political Philosophy at Leiden University. He argues that ” The referendum announced by the Greek government on Sunday is its last-ditch attempt to get some leverage against the latest round of blackmail by the troika of the European Commission, the ECB and the IMF. Whatever…

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S. Sassen: Three rarely –IF EVER– mentioned facts in the Greek tragedy

3 juli 2015 – Saskia Sassen is a Dutch-American sociologist noted for her analyses of globalization and international human migration.  She is Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, and Chairs The Committee on Global Thought. Sassen coined the term global city. In this article Sassen addresses the reader directly: “You, dear reader, decide if…

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J. Stiglitz: Europe’s Last Act?

5 juni 2015 – Joseph Stiglitz, Nobelprijswinnaar en professor economie aan de Columbia Universiteit van New York, bekritiseert de harde bezuinigingsmaatregelen die Griekenland van zijn crediteuren moest uitvoeren en daarmee de Griekse economie in een neerwaartse spiraal brachten. In dit artikel becommentarieert hij de laatste ontwikkelingen rond de onderhandelingen tussen de…

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