H. Smith: Angry Greeks foresee Grexit and drachma’s revival

– In his tiny shop in downtown Athens, Kostis Nakos sits behind a wooden counter hunched over his German calculator. The 71-year-old might have retired had he been able to make ends meets but that is now simply impossible. “All day I’ve been sitting here doing the maths,” he sighs,…

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A. Avgoustidis: “De vergeten Griekse crisis”

http://www.nieuwgrieksestudies.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/angelos-def.jpg 21 december 2015 – “De vergeten Griekse crisis” op Radio 1: een gesprek van Gilene Plag met historicus Angelos Avgoustidis, deskundige van de Mediacirkel. Terugluisteren: A. Avgoustidis/Radio1/vergetenGrieksecrisis.  

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F. Coppola: Dr. Schaeuble’s Master Plan

14 juli 2015 – According to Forbes writer Frances Coppola is “the deal that was finally agreed not sustainable. Everyone knows that. It was widely panned not only by left-sympathising economists, but also by Wall Street. It is questionable whether the Greek government will be able to get the first tranche of contentious requirements through…

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C. Salmon: Insider: “We underestimated the power of the creditors”

8 juli 2015 – A senior member of Greece’s negotiating team speaks to Christian Salmon for Mediapart. In this interview a senior advisor to the Greek government, who has been at the heart of the past five months of negotiations between Athens and its international creditors, reveals the details of what…

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J. Stiglitz: Europe’s Last Act?

5 juni 2015 – Joseph Stiglitz, Nobelprijswinnaar en professor economie aan de Columbia Universiteit van New York, bekritiseert de harde bezuinigingsmaatregelen die Griekenland van zijn crediteuren moest uitvoeren en daarmee de Griekse economie in een neerwaartse spiraal brachten. In dit artikel becommentarieert hij de laatste ontwikkelingen rond de onderhandelingen tussen de…

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J. Weeks: Grexit: When Not If

15 juni 2015 – John Weeks is economist and professor emeritus at SOAS, University of London. He argues that there were no real negotiations between Greece and the troika the last five months. The troika intended from the outset to accept only one of two outcomes: 1) the new Greek government…

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P. De Grauwe: Greece is solvent but illiquid

18 juni 2015 – Paul De Grauwe argues that the Greek government is solvent but is trapped in a liquidity dilemma in which it cannot find liquidity because markets believe it cannot find liquidity. He then explores the role of the European Central Bank in this self-fulfilling problem and asks specifically…

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Grexit: ‘Disaster’ for euro zone

25 juni 2015 – Tom DiChristopher, Web and TV producer at CNBC.com reports: The economist (Buiter, red.) credited with coining the term “Grexit” said Thursday it would be a disaster if Greece leaves the euro zone. Should Greek leaders and creditors fail to reach an agreement, Buiter said capital and deposit controls…

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J. Galbraith: What is reform? The strange case of Greece and Europe

12 juni 2015 – James Galbraith, professor in government-business relations at the University of Texas, illustrates in this article the reasons why creditors’ demands would only prolong Greece’s crisis. He makes clear that reform is the only thing missing from creditor’s demands as “‘Reform in any true sense is a process that requires time, patience, planning,…

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P. Legrain: Debt bondage is destroying Greece

12 juni 2015 – Philippe Legrain, visiting senior fellow at the London School of Economics’ European Institute, argues that Greece should reject the latest offer from its creditors. He demonstrates a number of arguments against the ongoing misleading framing of the Greek case. His conclusion: “Tsipras should not submit to this debt bondage.”    …

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E. Engelen: Syriza moet op de knieën vanwege Spanje

10 juni 2015 – Ewald Engelen, hoogleraar financiële geografie aan de UvA en “gecertificeerde crisisjunk”, becommentarieert de laatste ontwikkelingen rond de onderhandelingen tussen het Griekse kabinet van A. Tsipras en de Noord-Europese crediteuren. Wat volgens hem aan de orde is, is het volgende: “Totale vernedering van de Griekse populisten is sinds januari het…

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N. Koulousios: Schuim en As, Buitenhof 7 juni 2015

mediacirkel europe1grNikos Koulousios, freelance journalist en deskundige van de Mediacirkel, heeft op 7 juni de laatste ontwikkelingen met betrekking tot de onderhandelingen tussen de Griekse regering van A. Tsipras en de trojka becommentarieerd. Presentator: Marcia Luyten.

Zie zijn interview tijdens het wekelijkse discussieprogramma van AVROTROS, VARA en VPRO Buitenhof: Interview N. Koulousios Buitenhof