P. De Grauwe: The ECB Grants Debt Relief To All Eurozone Nations Except Greece

19 maart 2016 – It looks like Greece may get some debt relief. There is as yet no certainty about this because some German politicians continue to conduct rear-guard battles to prevent it. What is certain, however, is that all Eurozone countries, with the exception of Greece, have been enjoying debt relief since…

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H. Smith: Angry Greeks foresee Grexit and drachma’s revival

– In his tiny shop in downtown Athens, Kostis Nakos sits behind a wooden counter hunched over his German calculator. The 71-year-old might have retired had he been able to make ends meets but that is now simply impossible. “All day I’ve been sitting here doing the maths,” he sighs,…

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H. Smith: Greece on brink of chaos as refugees riot

 3 april 2016 – The Greek government is bracing itself for violence ahead of the European Union implementing a landmark deal that, from Monday, will see Syrian refugees and migrants being deported back to Turkey en masse.  Rioting and rebellion by thousands of entrapped refugees across Greece has triggered mounting fears in…

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I. Traynor/H. Smith: Greece hits back after EU’s Schengen threat

27 februari 2016 – Athens furious at being ‘scapegoated’ over refugee crisis and fears effect of being expelled from passport-free zone. Greece has hit back angrily after being given three months to avoid being suspended from Europe’s free-travel Schengen area because of its alleged failures to get a grip on the…

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A. Avgoustidis: “De vergeten Griekse crisis”

http://www.nieuwgrieksestudies.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/angelos-def.jpg 21 december 2015 – “De vergeten Griekse crisis” op Radio 1: een gesprek van Gilene Plag met historicus Angelos Avgoustidis, deskundige van de Mediacirkel. Terugluisteren: A. Avgoustidis/Radio1/vergetenGrieksecrisis.  

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Video: Peter Bouckaert van Human Rights Watch in Terzake

10 december 2015 – In Terzake, de Vlaamse actualiteitenrubriek van de VRT, uitgezonden op Canvas,  spreekt Peter Bouckaert over de vluchtelingencrisis en de situatie in Griekenland. Bouckaert volgt als hoofd noodoperatie van de internationale hulporganisatie Human Rights Watch al maandenlang de vluchtelingen tijdens hun tocht naar Europa. Wie zijn de vluchtelingen en wat is hun verhaal?…

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D. Christopoulos: What the Paris Attacks mean for Greece’s Refugee Crisis

20 november 2015 – Closed borders across Europe could leave many people stranded in Greece. Dimitris Christopoulos, vice president of the International Federation for Human Rights, spoke to HuffPost Greece about how the Paris attacks may impact Greece’s refugee crisis and how the Greek government has handled the situation thus far.…

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J. Habermas: Merkel ‘gambling away’ Germany’s reputation

16 juli 2015 – Jürgen Habermas, one of the most important philosophers and sociologist of Germany,  has launched a withering attack on the German government. In an exclusive interview conducted by Philip Oltermann, The Guardian, describes the philosopher and sociologist Habermas the agreement as ‘toxic’. According to Habermas the German chancellor has effectively…

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Y. Varoufakis: Europa’s wraakzuchtige Griekse privatiseringsplan

20 juli 2015 – Voormalige minister van Financiën Yanis Varoufakis  geeft in dit artikel commentaar op de dramatische uitkomst van de laatste Eurotop en het privatiseringsplan dat Griekenland van zijn schuldeisers moet uitvoeren.  Hij noemt de “Griekse Treuhand alsnog een wangedrocht en stigma op het Europese geweten. En, erger nog, het is…

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J. Ghosh: The failed project of Europe

15 juli 2015 – Jayati Ghosh   is professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, in New Delhi, India. She is specialised in globalization, international finance, employment patterns in developing countries and macroeconomic policy. In this article she delivers a scathing critique of the German role in the negotiations about a debt-deal for Greece.…

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P. Mason: Greece wins euro debt deal – but democracy is the loser

13 juli 2015 – De bekende financieel commentator Paul Mason schrijft op zijn blog dat de Grieken dan wel de euro ‘debtdeal’ hebben gewonnen, maar dat de democratie verloren heeft: ‘Everybody on earth with a smartphone understands what happened to democracy last night’. Mason is auteur van verschillende boeken en ‘visiting professor’ aan de universiteit van Wolverhampton. In…

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C. Salmon: Insider: “We underestimated the power of the creditors”

8 juli 2015 – A senior member of Greece’s negotiating team speaks to Christian Salmon for Mediapart. In this interview a senior advisor to the Greek government, who has been at the heart of the past five months of negotiations between Athens and its international creditors, reveals the details of what…

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“Greece can’t pay and should not pay” says the Truth Committee on Public Debt

The Truth Committee on Public Debt (Debt Truth Committee) was established on April 4, 2015, by a decision of the President of the Hellenic Parliament, Ms Zoe Konstantopoulou, who confided the Scientific Coordination of its work to Dr. Eric Toussaint and the cooperation of the Committee with the European Parliament…

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Greek referendum: full results

6 juli 2015 – by George Arnett, Ami Sedghi, Achilleas Galatsidas and Sean Clarke, The Guardian. Referendum results in full. Voters were asked: ‘whether to accept the outline of the agreement submitted by the European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund at the Eurogroup of 25/06/15′. (That…

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S. Sassen: Three rarely –IF EVER– mentioned facts in the Greek tragedy

3 juli 2015 – Saskia Sassen is a Dutch-American sociologist noted for her analyses of globalization and international human migration.  She is Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, and Chairs The Committee on Global Thought. Sassen coined the term global city. In this article Sassen addresses the reader directly: “You, dear reader, decide if…

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