23-25 May 2022: International ΚΕΓ-exams Modern Greek

De Internationale Certificaatsexamens Nieuwgrieks (ΚΕΓ-examens) 2022 zullen plaatsvinden in Amsterdam als volgt:

23 mei 2022: niveaus A1, A2, B1
24 mei 2022: niveaus B2, C1
25 mei 2022: niveau C2

Er zal rekening gehouden worden met de Covid-19 restricties en maatregelen die geldig zijn in alle UvA gebouwen. De examens worden georganiseerd door KEΓ (Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας: Centrum voor de Griekse Taal) te Thessaloniki. De opleiding Nieuwgriekse taal en cultuur van de  UvA en het NGNS faciliteren het afnemen van de examens in Nederland in opdracht van KEΓ.
Inschrijving voor alle niveaus: 1 februari tot 20 maart 2022.

Informatie uitsluitend via e-mail: nieuwgrieksestudies@gmail.com

To enroll for the exams, please follow the following steps:

  1. Visit the KEΓ-webpage: http://www.greek-language.gr/certification/application/index.html, create an account and fill in the registration form very carefully.
  2. While completing the registration form, you will be asked to pay the fees. Transfer the relevant amount (Level A1, A2, B1 = EUR 90. Level B2, C1, C2 = EUR 100) to the following Bank account: IBAN: NL22 INGB 0674 6742 00,  t.n.v. Nederlands Genootschap voor Nieuwgriekse Studies, Amsterdam. Omschrijving/Description: Applicant’s name – Ellinomatheia.
  3. Send the Bank payment receipt to this email: nieuwgrieksestudies@gmail.com and mention the applicant’s name. Please note that if we don’ t receive the payment receipt, we will not accept your application.
  4. After we approve your application, you will receive automatically an email by ΚΕΓ with the applicant’s number, necessary for the exams. Print it and take it with you on the day of the exams, please.

General Information

  1.  The exact program of the exams will be announced in April 2022.
  2. For all levels eligible candidates must be at least 8 years old on the 31st May. Eligible candidates for level A1 for children 8-12 years old are children of foreigners (including those of Greek origin) who are 8-12 years old (are over 8 years and below 12 years old on the 31st May).
  3. We advise candidates younger than 16 to avoid taking the examination at levels B2, C1 and C2, because the content of exam items requires knowledge and experience which younger candidates may not possess. Holders of a Greek secondary education certificate (even if earned outside Greece) do not need a Certificate to prove their knowledge of Greek.
  4. Each candidate may take part in the examination for more than one level, provided he has registered for each level and the levels are not examined on the same day.

It is stressed that under no circumstances and for no reason whatsoever can the registration fee be refunded if a candidate does not eventually participate in the examination. Moreover, under no circumstances can a candidate substitute for another candidate who does not wish to take the examination.

All candidates are expected to respect the Covid-19 measures applied in the buildings of the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

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