D. Hollanders: Europe, Greece and the Dutch tax haven

6 januari 2016 – “While the Dutch minister of Finance and head of the Euro Group Jeroen Dijsselbloem routinely denounces Greece’s “unwillingness” to reform its tax system, the Canadian mining company Gold Eldorado avoids paying taxes in Greece via his own country. While the Netherlands lambasted Cypriot banks in 2013 for laundering (Russian) money, oligarchs were invited in 2013 and 2014 to the Dutch embassy in Ukraine for a seminar by private Dutch law firms on how to avoid taxes via the Netherlands”.
What Europe Needs To Know About The Dutch Tax Haven next time that a Dutch minister pleads for decimating Greek pensions or increasing Portuguese VAT.
Read the complete article written by David Hollanders, lecturer economics and finance at Tilburg University, in: Social Europe
January 6, 2016

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