9 juli 2015 – by Achilleas Galatsidas and George Arnett / The Guardian.
“The Greek referendum has been presented as a split between young and old. This interactive map shows how, in the capital at least, it also flagged up divisions between the richest and poorest in society.
Wealthy suburbs in the north such as Kifisia voted definitively in favour of a deal with Greece’s creditors. However, in some of the lower-income districts, particularly in the west of the city, the no vote was backed by the vast majority of residents. Hover over the maps below to find out each area’s average income and how it voted in the referendum.”
Read more at: The Guardian
Read the article in Greek at Reader.gr : “Πώς ψήφισε η Αττική στο δημοψήφισμα και ποια η σχέση του ΟΧΙ με το εισόδημα των κατοίκων”
© Achilleas Galatsidas and George Arnett, 9.07.2015, BRON