J. Gunter: Migrant crisis and Greek volunteers

Volunteers are crucial to helping rescue migrants and refugees as they arrive on the islands. (AP)

1 februari 2016 – The leader of a volunteer group for refugees on the Greek island of Kos has welcomed news that islanders have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Volunteers stepped in to fill the gap, pulling stricken families from the sea, clothing, feeding and in some cases opening their homes to those in need. Mr Chertofilis continues to volunteer several days a week, patrolling the beaches at night in shifts, armed with warm clothes, shoes, and snacks.

“The prize would be a nice thing for the people of these islands, many of whom have helped,” he said. “But we are doing this because we don’t like to see people suffer.”

This article is written by Joel Gunter.
Read the complete article at: Bbc.com

© Joel Gunter, BRON
Photo: Credit AP/Mstyslav Cherno

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