P. Mason: Greece wins euro debt deal – but democracy is the loser

13 juli 2015 – De bekende financieel commentator Paul Mason schrijft op zijn blog dat de Grieken dan wel de euro ‘debtdeal’ hebben gewonnen, maar dat de democratie verloren heeft: ‘Everybody on earth with a smartphone understands what happened to democracy last night’.
Mason is auteur van verschillende boeken en ‘visiting professor’ aan de universiteit van Wolverhampton. In 2003 ontving hij de Wincott Prize for Business Journalism.
P. Mason: “After an all-night negotiation during which Greek prime minister was subjected, according to one observer, to “mental waterboarding”, there is the basis of a deal to keep Greece in the euro.”

And he concludes: “It was hard to see last night what the rulers of Europe wanted.

What they’ve arguably got is a global reputational disaster: the crushing of a left-wing government elected on a landslide, the flouting of a 61 per cent referendum result. The EU – a project founded to avoid conflict and deliver social justice – found itself transformed into the conveyor of relentless financial logic and nothing else.

Ordinary people don’t know enough about the financial logic to understand why this was always likely to happen: bonds, haircuts and currency mechanisms are distant concepts. Democracy is not. Everybody on earth with a smartphone understands what happened to democracy last night.”


Read the complete article at: blogs.channel4.com/paul-mason-blog

P.Mason, BRON
Photo:Credit DTRocks, WikiMedia Commons

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