Marilena Laskaridis Fellows 2022-2023

The Marilena Laskaridis Fellowships 2022-2023 were awarded to the following two colleagues, who will join the Modern Greek Studies team at the University of Amsterdam in the academic year 2022-2023: Dr. Yannis Stamos Project title: Culture and Pro-Axis Propaganda at the Athens Radio Station (1941-1944) Summary This project explores discourses…

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23-25 May 2022: International ΚΕΓ-exams Modern Greek

De Internationale Certificaatsexamens Nieuwgrieks (ΚΕΓ-examens) 2022 zullen plaatsvinden in Amsterdam als volgt: 23 mei 2022: niveaus A1, A2, B124 mei 2022: niveaus B2, C125 mei 2022: niveau C2 Er zal rekening gehouden worden met de Covid-19 restricties en maatregelen die geldig zijn in alle UvA gebouwen. De examens worden georganiseerd…

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20 May 2022: International symposium: Revisiting the Greek War of Independence

International symposium: 1821-2021. Revisiting the Greek War of Independence: Intellectual Landscape and Global Resonances When: Friday, 20 May 2022, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Where: Doelenzaal, Amsterdam University Library, Singel 425, Amsterdam  Organizers: Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation & Marilena Laskaridis Chair of Modern Greek Studies & Department of Modern Greek Language &…

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13 May 2022: Lecture: The Cultural Economy of Emancipatory Practice. Insights from Greece

Title: The Cultural Economy of Emancipatory Practice. Insights from Greece. Speaker: Dr. Dimitris Soudias, Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Research Fellow in Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam (2021-2022) Time: 3.30-5.00 pm (CET). Location: University Theater (Nieuwe Doelenstraat16-18 1012 CP, Amsterdam); no registration needed. Language: English Abstract Since the financial…

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5 April 2022: Presentation of The CENSUS website

Title: Greek Authors of the 19th-21st centuries. The CENSUS of Modern Greek Literature. Speakers: Dia Philippides, Professor Emerita, Boston College (USA); Maria Boletsi, Endowed Professor, Marilena Laskaridis Chair of Modern Greek Studies, University of Amsterdam; Ben Florin, Web Developer, Boston College Libraries. Date and time: 5 April 2022, 6:00 pm…

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22 March 2022: In memoriam van Paul Auerbach

De Stichting Stolpersteine heeft op verzoek van prof. dr. Arnold van Gemert, emeritus hoogleraar Nieuwgrieks en Byzantinologie aan de UvA, mede namens het Nederlands Genootschap voor Nieuwgriekse Studies (NGNS), op 22 maart 2022 tijdens een bescheiden plechtigheid Paul Auerbach en zijn echtgenote geëerd. Door het plaatsen van twee Stolpersteine bij Paul Auerbachs…

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18 March 2022: Griekse literatuur tussen Ethiopië en Karelië: het voorbeeld van de Koptische martelaarsverhalen

Titel: Griekse literatuur tussen Ethiopië en Karelië: het voorbeeld van de Koptische martelaarsverhalen Spreker: Dr. Ewa Zakrzewska, specialist wetenschappelijke informatie Byzantinologie en Nieuwgrieks, Taalwetenschap, Klassieken, Archeologie en Oude Geschiedenis, Universiteitsbibliotheek UvA. Datum/tijd: 18 maart 2022, 17.00-18.00 uur Locatie: Doelenzaal, UB (University Library UvA), Singel 425, Amsterdam Taal: Nederlands N.B. deze…

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8 December 2021: Lecture: The visual language of anticommunism in post-war Greece

Title: The Emotional Politics of Fear: The visual language of anticommunism in post-war Greece Speaker: Dr. Alexander Kazamias, Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Research Fellow in Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam (2021-2022) Date/Time: Wednesday December 8, 3.30-5.00 pm (CET) Location*: online (no registration needed). Zoom link: Language: English *Please note: This talk was…

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29 October 2021: Variacollege: Bloemlezing van jonge Nederlandse dichters

Title: Bloemlezing van jonge Nederlandse dichters Speaker: drs. Arthur Bot, docent Nieuwgrieks en Byzantinologie, UvA  Time: 15.30-16.30 uur Location: room 1.04, Spuistraat 134, Amsterdam. Language: Dutch Abstract Tijdens dit variacollege zal een presentatie worden gegeven van de in Griekenland uitgegeven tweetalige bundel Ανθολογία νέων ολλανδών ποιητών / Bloemlezing van jonge Nederlandse dichters, een deel…

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28 May 2021: Lecture: Memory work in protest movements: The case of the Greek 1960s

Title: Memory work in protest movements: The case of the Greek 1960s Speaker: Dr. Emilia Salvanou, Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Research Fellow in Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam (2020-2021) Time: 3.30 pm. Location:     (Meeting ID: 861 5606 6567) Language: English Abstract Protest movements of the 1960s are usually…

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24 May 2021: Roundtable/Webinar: Rethinking race & ethnicity in contemporary Greece

Title: “We have never been racist”: Rethinking race & ethnicity in modern Greece. Date: Monday, 24 May 2021, 6:00 pm (CET/NL time) The event will be livestreamed via Youtube. You can watch and participate here: About this event The network Greek Studies Now participates in discussions sparked by the bicentennial of the 1821 Greek…

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7 May 2021: Lecture: The Undying Song: Writing the Homosexual Body in the long 19th Century and beyond

Title: The Undying Song: Writing the Homosexual Body in the long 19th Century and beyond Speaker: Dr. Nikolas P. Kakkoufa, Columbia University; currently Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Research Fellow in Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam (2020-2021) Time: 3.30 pm (CET) Location: (Meeting ID: 886 0786 6042) Language: English Abstract 2021…

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Marilena Laskaridis Fellows 2021-2022

The Marilena Laskaridis Fellowships 2021-2022 were awarded to the following two colleagues, who will join the Modern Greek Studies team at the University of Amsterdam in the academic year 2021-2022: 1. Dr. Alexander Kazamias Project title: Sound National Convictions: Anticommunist discourse and propaganda in post-war Greece, 1944-74 2. Dr. Dimitris Soudias Project…

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Laskaridis PhD. Fellowship in Modern Greek Studies

The Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation invites applications for a 3-year PhD fellowship in Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam, for a PhD project to be conducted in English under the aegis of the Marilena Laskaridis Chair of Modern Greek Studies. The call for applications is open to research projects in…

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21 April 2021: Roundtable/Webinar: What Greece…?

The network Greek Studies Now participates in the celebrations for the bicentennial of the 1821 Greek War of Independence with a series of webinars in which scholars, artists, filmmakers, and authors are asked to reflect on the meaning of this anniversary, taking the contemporary experience of Greece and Greekness as their starting…

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15 April 2021: Lecture: Modern Greek Literary Studies Lab: Archives-The Press

Title: Modern Greek Literary Studies Lab: Archives—The Press [EATT] Goals and prospects Speaker: Prof. Dr. Katerina Kostiou, Professor in the Dept. of Philology, University of Patras Date and Time: 15 April, 4.30-5.30 p.m. (NL time) Location: (Meeting ID: 891 4160 5288) Language: Greek Abstract This talk aims to present the newly founded…

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9 April 2021: Lecture: Universal Liberal Democracy, Global Capitalism and Hellenism at the End of History

Title: Universal Liberal Democracy, Global Capitalism and Hellenism at the End of History Speaker: Dr. Despina Lalaki, Marilena Laskaridis Visiting Research Fellow in Modern Greek Studies at the University of Amsterdam (2020-2021) Time: 3.30 pm. Location: (Meeting ID: 850 4283 9171) Language: English This event is also supported by Decolonizing Hellas…

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27 March 2021: Event on the occasion of the bicentenary of the Greek Revolution

Title event: Ελλάδα 2021: Παρελθόν+Παρόν=Μέλλον Time Event: 12.00-6.30 pm. (NL time) The Dept. of Modern Greek Studies and the M. Laskaridis Chair of Modern Greek Studies of the University of Amsterdam participate with a panel with brief presentations in the celebratory online event Ελλάδα 2021: Παρελθόν+Παρόν=Μέλλον organized in The Netherlands on the occasion…

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CANCELLED International ΚΕΓ-Exams Modern Greek 2021

In verband met de Covid-19 restricties op de Universiteit van Amsterdam (geen fysiek onderwijs en examens tot juni 2021) zullen er geen Certificaatsexamens Nieuwgrieks (ΚΕΓ-examens) zijn in 2021. ——- Due to Covid-19 restrictions at the University of Amsterdam we are forced to cancel the International ΚΕΓ-exams of Modern Greek 2021…

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21 January 2021: 4th Roundtable/Webinar: Our Intense Biopolitical Present: COVID and Before

Title: Our Intense Biopolitical Present: COVID and Before Date: Thursday, 21 January 2021, 6 pm (NL time) Language: English Speakers: Dimitris Plantzos (Νational and Kapodistrian University of Athens): A national bicentenary, a global pandemic, and the new past Nelli Kambouri (University of Hertfordshire and Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences): Biopolitics…

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